Name of Product: Baby Pac Choi | Li Ren Choi
Description: Small Pac choi with green stems, perfect for sautéing.
Key Attributes: Baby Pak Choy with green stems.
How to Use?
- Slice down the middle and sauté with garlic and butter
- Make Chinese style soup
Life Cycle: Annual
Soil Type: Rich, well-draining soil, high in organic matter and compost.
Growing Conditions: Full to partial Sun.
Planting Depth: ¼” deep
Days to Germination: 10 – 15 days
Planting Distance: Sow 15 seeds/ft. in rows 12 - 18" apart and thin plants to 3”. For transplanting, start seeds 2 – 4 weeks before and transplant 3” apart.
Days to Maturity: 37 days
Height when Mature: 8”
Harvest: Harvest by cutting from base.
Succession Planting: For a continuous supply, sow new seeds every week.
Baby Pac Choi | Li Ren Choi
SKU: SDS-BPAC-100-21-X